Week 29
Week 31

Week 30

This week has been a flurry of online activity. Civilizations this week focused on Julius Ceaser and Rome ending with the rise of Octavius to the position of "First Citizen" and the title of Augustus Ceaser. The Eagles shared some excellent thoughts on the right of succession and earning respect.
The overarching question we are trying to answer this session is about how we adapt to change. The insight the Eagles have been sharing in launches has been invaluable. If you are struggling to deal with big changes the Eagles are a great resource for inspiration and motivation!
This week we started our Session 6 Quest themed Entrepreneurship. The purpose of the E-ship Quest is to equip the Eagles with skills, tools, and frameworks needed to start a business. This quest has three main goals for Eagles: To learn more about themselves and what they love, to learn as much about entrepreneurship as possible, and to create a business to present at the Exhibition.
This week the Eagles created their businesses, identified products they would like to make, and worked on their logos. They have been working to identify why they would want to run their own business. If all goes as planned (and the world is back to normal this summer!), the Eagles will have a chance to sell their products to the public at the 3rd Annual NH Children's Business Fair on August 8th. Last year we had 27 children-run businesses and over 200 people from the public came to shop!
We had our second digital music class with Ms Karen. She was very fun to work with via computer and we are looking forward to getting to see her again next Tuesday. For art this week we joined Larry Frates again for his animation classes. They are very fun and interesting things to draw and are for all ages. If you want to give them a try the videos are on his Facebook page.
We have started Kindness Class again and Ms. Anna joined us over Google Hangouts on Monday and Friday. We talked about what it means to be a "star listener" and how to "speak from the heart" and how these ideas can help work out problems and make others feel better on the inside. We also talked about being kind to yourself and even to your uncomfortable emotions. We acknowledged that emotions and feelings can change and to show kindness towards someone else who is having a problem.
This session we have also shifted Writer's Workshop to Creator's Workshop. The songs, art, and stories that have been shared so far are very moving and exciting. We look forward to everything the Eagles will create moving forward.
Thank you for all your hard work with the big changes we are dealing with in the management of COVID-19. We look forward to seeing all of you in person again.
Here is a link to Laura's blog on what it means to be Socratic!


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